19th YSF Organizing Committee member. PhD student at Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań.
I love science, animals, volunteering, sports, juggling, metal music and crocheting.
Organelle biogenesis, peroxisomes, yeast
Mark Roberts
Teaching Facilitator / Lecturer in Biochemistry, University of Oxford (Lincoln College)
I am a microbial biochemist with an interest in the cell biology of dental pathogens. I also have a strong interest in biochemical education; public engagement with biochemistry and science policy.
I obtained my PhD in plant molecular biology from the University of Nottingham and have spent the past 30 years in science publishing. I've worked for various journals, including Nature and Trends in Biochemical Sciences, and also edited many books. I was the Executive Editor of FEBS Open Bio from its launch in 2011 until 2019.