About Andreas Hartig
Organelle biogenesis, peroxisomes, yeast
Research Interest
FEBS Constituent Society
Followed by
Lloyd Mabonga
Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of Pretoria, Pan African Cancer Research Institute (PACRI)
Jose Luis Ortega-Roldan
Lecturer in Biological NMR, University of Kent. School of Biosciences
Recent Comments
Very sad to hear about Maryna passing away. I very much appreciated her as a colleague in the FEBS Fellowships Committee.
Right you are! without (respectful) competition although among the funding agencies discoveries will become scarce. Funding excellent research projects in niche areas is a duty and not an act of bestowing graciousness to the applicant!
Wonderful! What started as an innocent romance became a life-time struggle, that is one side of a coin. I'll be interested to read Science's response, the other side of the coin.
Very true, but indeed difficult to achieve from both sides!
Thank you, Maayan! great and very thoughtful assessment what to keep in mind when looking for a lab hosting oneself as a postdoc!
Thanks a lot, Miguel, it speaks from my heart. The future of all teaching shall not be far-distance telecourses. Too much is missing!
Indeed, when there are good reasons to celebrate success (or failure) don't miss the opportunity!
as former Chair of the Fellowships Committee I very much recommend to apply. Your chances to get a Fellowship will never be greater!!