The FEBS Junior Section Room

The FEBS Junior Section Room

A resource and meeting point for the FEBS Junior Section

About this room

The FEBS Junior Section Room is a platform to share information and to foster collaboration between students and young researchers in the molecular life sciences across Europe. The Room is open but you can become a member to help with networking. Read the Room's How To Guide and set up email notifications

If your FEBS Society would like to create a junior section, this post has useful information on how to start. Societies can also just select a national junior representative. You can email the FEBS Junior Section with any queries. Follow them on social media at:

Participant Societies:

The FEBS Junior Section comprises junior sections and national junior representatives from the ÖGMBT (Austria), HDBMB (Croatia), ČSBMB (Czech Republic), BioBio Society (Finland), SFBBM (France), GBM (Germany), MBKE (Hungary), SIB (Italy), NVBMB (the Netherlands), PTBioch (Poland), SPB (Portugal), SRBBM (Romania), SBS (Serbia), SBD (Slovenia), SEBBM (Spain), TSB (Turkey), and the Biochemical Society (UK).