FEBS Junior Section – Tessa Sinnige: Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of protein aggregation in C. elegans as a living model system webinar
On 10 March 2022, the Young NVBMB organised an online talk on behalf of the FEBS Junior Section. It was the third event of the initiative's 2022 series of talks on key research and career topics of interest to students and young researchers in the molecular life sciences across Europe. The talk was given by Dr Tessa Sinnige, from Utrecht University, on the topic of “Elucidating the molecular mechanisms of protein aggregation in C. elegans as a living model system”. We share on this post a recording of the talk.
The event had over 134 registrations and 67 attendees, and the FEBS Junior Section are delighted that the initiative continues to grow.
The next talk will be on Thursday, 14 April, organised by the HDBMB Young Scientists' Forum. It will be a career-focused talk on “My story about life, science and success”, from Prof. Igor Stagljar, University of Toronto, Canada.
For more videos about the FEBS Junior Section, including a webinar about the AlphaFold database, visit the Room for the FEBS Junior Section and – if you do not have a junior section yet – read this post about how to set one up!
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