Young NVBMB/FEBS Junior Section present Marco de Boer

Update! Watch a recording of this talk.
This talk is an activity from the FEBS Junior Section, an initiative set up by students and young researchers from some of the FEBS Constituent Societies. Each month a Junior Section from one of the participant Societies organizes an online event on either a research or a career topic. This October talk is organised by Young NVBMB, the junior section of the NVBMB.
Speaker: Dr. Marco de Boer, Predica Diagnostics, The Netherlands
Topic: “Entrepreneurship, the early steps”
Time: 13 October 2022, 19:00 (CET)
For more information, visit the Predica Diagnostics website.
Dr. Marco de Boer will present his experiences and career in entrepreneurship and academia, as part of the lecture series by the FEBS Junior Section. Marco de Boer has a Ph.D. in molecular biology, and an MBA from the Nyenrode Business University. He has had held several management positions: COO at Crossbeta Biosciences BV, Head of Research at to-BBB, Head of Bioprocessing at Kerry I&F, Director Biomolecules at Isogen Life Science, and Research Manager at Unilever Research, Vlaardingen. In 2015, Marco co-founded NTrans Technologies. NTrans aims to advance the development of its gene editing-based therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). In 2019, Marco co-founded Predica Diagnostics. Predica is developing a technology for early diagnosis and prevention of cancer, with its first product aimed at early Cervical Cancer detection. Have we piqued your interest? Then register now to attend the talk!
The FEBS Junior Section
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Photo by Gabriel Izgi on Unsplash
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