Alexander Röntgen

PhD Student, University of Cambridge
FEBS Letters is renowned both for its quality of content and speed of production. Bringing together the most important developments in the molecular biosciences, FEBS Letters provides an international forum for Reviews, Research Letters and Research Articles that merit urgent publication.
Societas biochemica, biophysica et microbiologica Fenniae, the Biobio Society, is a scientific society that promotes biochemical, biophysical, microbiological and related biological research in Finland.
Susanna Gevorgyan

PhD student, University of Hamburg

Joaquín Tamargo-Azpilicueta

PhD Student, Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC

Guilherme Gil Moreira

PhD Student, Faculdade de Ciências

Guilherme G. Moreira is a PhD Student at Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine (PMAB) group ( at Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and affiliated to BioISI Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute. Born in 1995, has graduated in Biochemistry (2016) and completed his master's in Medical Biochemistry (2018) at the University of Lisbon. Guilherme started his PhD studies with an FCT PhD Studentship on the PMAB GomesLab (2021) with the project entitled The calcium-binding protein S100B as a novel chaperone preventing Tau aggregation in Alzheimer's disease. Guilherme is the first author of 3 published peer-reviewed international papers (2019, 2021 and 2023), co-author of 1 published book chapter (2020) and co-author of 2 published peer-reviewed international paper (2021 and 2022), as well as author of 19 posters and 5 oral communications presented in national and international events. Has been awarded 6 travel/accommodation and registration awards for international meetings. Research Identifiers Google Scholar: Scopus: ORCID: Web Of Science:
Kity Požek

Young researcher, Jožef Stefan Institute

Eszter Nagy-Kanta

PhD student, PPCU FIT

Daria Navrotska

Researcher, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Alberto Gomez-Navarro

Early Stage Researcher, LENS - European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy


Assistant Professor, Istinye University

I have Biochemistry BSc education and had my MSc degree in Medical Biochemistry. I have gained my PhD degree on Medical Biology and Genetics. I have research experience in biochemistry, cancer biology, and tumor genetics. Most recently became a member of ISUMKAM research group at Istinye University.
António José de Jesus Matos Figueira

PhD Student, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa

Patrick Penndorf

Ph.D., Max Planck Institute Freiburg

Adam Frtús

Postdoc Scientist, Charles University in Prague

Zane Kalnina

Leading researcher, Associate Professor, Latvian Biomedical Research and Study center, University of Latvia

FEBS Junior Section

Junior Section, FEBS

The FEBS Junior Section is organised by students and young researchers from some FEBS Constituent Societies. They develop joint activities, such as online talks and other events, and share resources, as well as open doors for young European scientists to opportunities outside their home countries by providing the relevant contacts and fostering communication within the network.
Marianna Skipitari

Postdoctoral Researcher, Karolinska Institutet

Miroslav Berka

PhD student, Mendel University in Brno

Ignazio Restivo

Postdoctoral researcher, University of Palermo