Alexander Röntgen

PhD Student, University of Cambridge
Laura Antigüedad Mangas

marketing, Miltenyi Biotec

Luis Filipe Costa Póvoas

PhD Student, IRB Barcelona

Luis Rodríguez Escudero

PhD student, IRB Barcelona

Johannes Suwita

Biochemistry Master Student, University of Regensburg

Javier Garcia

Master Student, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Ena Dumančić

PhD student, Assistant, Institut Ruđer Bošković

claudia bigas

phd student, irb barcelona

Antonia Blank

Student, FSU Jena

Daniela Odenthal

Biochemist (M. Sc.), Heinrich-Heine-University

Demian van Gurp

Bachelor, Utrecht University and Young NVBMB

Yannick Padberg

Bachelor Student, FSU-Jena

Ivana Carev

Group leader, MedILS

Ines Tapken

PhD Student, SMATHERIA gGmbH - Non-Profit Biomedical Research Institute | Center for Systems Neuroscience TiHo Hannover

Daniela Kruck

PHD student, Hannover Medical School

Anja Djurdjevic

bachelor , University of Novi Sad

Ana Novačić

PhD Student, University of Zagreb

Yasmin Elfaran

Bachelor's student final year, Medical University of Innsbruck

Roberta Fusco

Researcher, University of Messina

Patrick Watermann

Master student , University Hamburg

HDBMB Junior Section

Junior section, HDBMB - Croatian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

HDBMB Junior Section (HDBMB JS) is the Junior Section of the Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (HDBMB). It was set up in 2020 to support the career development and networking opportunities of students and young researchers in the molecular life sciences in Croatia. The HDBMB JS organise and deliver their own activities, under the supervision of their Society and all members of the HDBMB JS are members of the HDBMB. HDBMB JS are also part of the FEBS Junior Section. To find out more about the HDBMB JS read their overview post and check out the online talks and other activities they deliver, accesible from the 'Popular contributions' section below.