SIB Sezione Giovani is the Junior Section of the Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SIB). It was set up in 2020 to support the career development and networking opportunities of students and young researchers in the molecular life sciences in Italy. SIB Sezione Giovani organise and deliver their own activities under the supervision of their Society and all members of the Junior Section are members of SIB. SIB Sezione Giovani are also part of the FEBS Junior Section. To find out more about SIB Sezione Giovani read their overview post and check out the online talks and other activities they deliver, accesible from the 'Popular contributions' section below.
Junior-GBM is the Junior Section of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM). It was set up in 2011 to support the career development and networking opportunities of students and young researchers in the molecular life sciences in Germany. The Junior-GBM organise and deliver their own activities, under the supervision of their Society and all members of the Junior-GBM are members of the GBM. Junior-GBM are also part of the FEBS Junior Section. To find out more about the Junior-GBM read their overview post and check out the online talks and other activities they deliver, accesible from the 'Popular contributions' section below.
I've long been inspired by the life sciences and have a background in scientific editorial work. At FEBS, my roles have spanned communications, website development, event organization and more – all aimed at improving the services FEBS offers the molecular life science community.
The study of the molecular basis of life is a rapidly developing and multidisciplinary field of research. The Netherlands Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NVBMB) was established in 1927 and currently lists about 1200 members. The society represents students and professionals working in the area of biochemistry and molecular biology and its members are from universities, institutes and industry. The society aims to stimulate the field of biochemistry and molecular biology at a high professional level. It promotes co-operation and acts as a forum to share know-how and expertise. The main instruments of the society are symposia, lectures, prizes and travel grants. The NVBMB is one of the largest sections of the KNCV, the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society.
The Society was founded by Professor Maurice Nicloux on March 14, 1914 at the College de France in Paris.
The Society gathers people with expertise in Biochemistry, Molecular biology, Structural Biology, Integrative Biology.
The Norwegian Bioscience Society (NBS), formerly known as the Norwegian Biochemistry Society, aims to be a scientific and social forum for scientists and students of biology in Norway. We are involved in stimulating young people to start a career in the biological sciences and have ambitions of becoming an influential actor in national science politics. NBS is one of the founding members of FEBS and is also member of the IUBMB and EFB.
The Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (HDBMB) is a non-profit scientific and professional organisation gathering experts interested in biochemistry and molecular biology and other related sciences within the frame of research, education, and application.
The Hungarian Biochemical Society (HBS) is one of the eight founding members of FEBS. The aim of HBS is to support the work of Hungarian biochemists, molecular biologists and biotechnologists to increase the quality of research and education in molecular life sciences in the frame of universities and research centers of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. From the beginnings, HBS hosts regular meetings, methodological presentations and workshops, including three FEBS3+ conferences jointly organized with the Slovenian, Croatian and Serbian Societies. These provide the first opportunities for young researchers to present and critically discuss their results and to establish new professional relationships. HBS publishes the quarterly journal “Biokémia” including news and events of the Society, international scientific social issues, historical reviews and scientific publications. For over five decades, HBS significantly contributed to the work of FEBS committees and the editorial offices of its Journals and organized the 9th and 20th FEBS Meetings (1974, 1990) and the 30th FEBS Congress-9th IUBMB Conference (2015) in Budapest.
All Cypriots with a University degree in the Biological Sciences can join our Society as full members. In addition foreign biomedical scientists resident in Cyprus can join our society as associate members.
LS2 (Life Sciences Switzerland), formerly USGEB, is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing biological sciences within Swiss Academic Community, and to addressing the social and ethical issues raised by the rapid progress of life sciences.