I am a PhD candidate (Dept. of Biology, University of Patras, Greece) currently investigating drug resistance mechanisms and signaling pathways in hematological disorders and solid tumors. My studies are focused on proteasome inhibitors and the role of key kinases and transcription factors in the emergence of resistance.
Alberto Gomez-Navarro
Early Stage Researcher, LENS - European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy
Daria Navrotska
Researcher, Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
I have Biochemistry BSc education and had my MSc degree in Medical Biochemistry. I have gained my PhD degree on Medical Biology and Genetics. I have research experience in biochemistry, cancer biology, and tumor genetics. Most recently became a member of ISUMKAM research group at Istinye University.
Guilherme G. Moreira is a PhD Student at Protein Misfolding and Amyloids in Biomedicine (PMAB) group (http://folding.fc.ul.pt) at Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and affiliated to BioISI Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute. Born in 1995, has graduated in Biochemistry (2016) and completed his master's in Medical Biochemistry (2018) at the University of Lisbon. Guilherme started his PhD studies with an FCT PhD Studentship on the PMAB GomesLab (2021) with the project entitled The calcium-binding protein S100B as a novel chaperone preventing Tau aggregation in Alzheimer's disease. Guilherme is the first author of 3 published peer-reviewed international papers (2019, 2021 and 2023), co-author of 1 published book chapter (2020) and co-author of 2 published peer-reviewed international paper (2021 and 2022), as well as author of 19 posters and 5 oral communications presented in national and international events. Has been awarded 6 travel/accommodation and registration awards for international meetings.
Research Identifiers
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BTcYDiYAAAAJ&hl=pt-PT&user=BTcYDiYAAAAJ
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57212030809
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4791-5403
Web Of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/B-6154-2018
I am a Professor of Toxicology, Biochemistry and Cell Signaling at Université Paris Cité (former Université Paris Descartes). I have completed my PhD in molecular toxicology and a post-graduate year in Bethesda, MD. I am the head of a Master degrees in toxicology and ecotoxicology. My research is based on cellular and animal models and on three main axes: 1) the influence of persistent organic pollutants on breast tumorigenesis and metabolic disruption, 2) the contextual role of pollutants in the occurrence of chronic liver diseases including steatosis and fibrosis, 3) the effect of mixtures on the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. I am involved in the development of innovative pedagogy methods and technics in order to improve transmission, acquisition, memorization and utilization of scientific knowledge by our biomedical students. I used flipped classrooms, quizzes (at home and during courses) and virtual reality to interact and immerge with students in and outside the classroom. Indeed, I developed with pedagogic engineers, 1) Home-based 45’’ Quizzes to engage students in regular learning modes and 2) serious games on cell signaling and xenobiotic stress. Together, with Etienne Blanc, Caroline Chauvet and Frédéric Dardel, I wrote several French books of biochemistry and toxicology topics for undergraduate students. I collaborate with several national and international institutes and universities (CNAM Thierry KOSCIELNIAK, Université de Strasbourg Jean-Luc SOUCIET, National University of Singapore, Fun Man FUNG...) for the development of innovative methods in teaching.
βιος-Society of Biological Sciences in Cyprus (βιος-SBSCy) was launched in 2021. Its mission is to promote scientific research, training, education, discourse and outreach, and its principal objective is to support the Molecular Life Sciences in Cyprus, based on the use of scientific reason and method.
Subham Preetam is the Founder & CEO of N BASE. He is a professional biotechnologist in the field of biorobotics, cancer, immunity, biomedical, and nanometerial research. He is dedicated to the advancement of precision medicine and successful preclinical research to enhance the quality of life for individuals.
With extensive cross-disciplinary training and experience in translational research, he is currently focused on various research topics, including microrobotics, soft bio-hybrid robots, and quantum nanoparticles for drug delivery. Furthermore, he is involved in developing a bio-fluidics nanomedicine system that leverages the latest drug delivery technologies to create personalized solutions for brain cancer.