Xavier Coumoul (He/Him)

Professor in Biochemistry and Toxicology, Université Paris Cité

About Xavier Coumoul

I am a Professor of Toxicology, Biochemistry and Cell Signaling at Université Paris Cité (former Université Paris Descartes). I have completed my PhD in molecular toxicology and a post-graduate year in Bethesda, MD. I am the head of a Master degrees in toxicology and ecotoxicology. My research is based on cellular and animal models and on three main axes: 1) the influence of persistent organic pollutants on breast tumorigenesis and metabolic disruption, 2) the contextual role of pollutants in the occurrence of chronic liver diseases including steatosis and fibrosis, 3) the effect of mixtures on the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. I am involved in the development of innovative pedagogy methods and technics in order to improve transmission, acquisition, memorization and utilization of scientific knowledge by our biomedical students. I used flipped classrooms, quizzes (at home and during courses) and virtual reality to interact and immerge with students in and outside the classroom. Indeed, I developed with pedagogic engineers, 1) Home-based 45’’ Quizzes to engage students in regular learning modes and 2) serious games on cell signaling and xenobiotic stress. Together, with Etienne Blanc, Caroline Chauvet and Frédéric Dardel, I wrote several French books of biochemistry and toxicology topics for undergraduate students. I collaborate with several national and international institutes and universities (CNAM Thierry KOSCIELNIAK, Université de Strasbourg Jean-Luc SOUCIET, National University of Singapore, Fun Man FUNG...) for the development of innovative methods in teaching.

Research Interest

Cancer Cell Migration Cell Signalling Metabolism Regulation of Gene Expression Signal Transduction Transcription

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France (SFBBM)

Other Expertise/Interests

Grant writing Postgraduate training Scientific administration Scientific communication Scientific event organization Undergraduate teaching

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Recent Comments

Jul 18, 2023

Excellent reviews and research protocols to read on the beach ;-)

Apr 25, 2021

Thanks again Quentin, I will prepare shortly a note on my first experience of a virtual flipped classroom. Keep you updated

Jul 06, 2018

Well this is so cool !

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