"Plastics: revolution, pollution and substitution" at the 2021 FEBS Congress Green matters VIEWPOINTS "Plastics: revolution, pollution and substitution" at the 2021 FEBS Congress Raffaele Porta Apr 06, 2021
Letter to the European Scientific Community for a common European Policy against SARS-Cov-2 spread. VIEWPOINTS, Coronavirus insights Letter to the European Scientific Community for a common European Policy against SARS-Cov-2 spread. Raffaele Porta Mar 24, 2020
"Blood AB0 system dieting", a popular diet based on the “presumed” association between an individual's blood group and nutritional preferences. A pseudo-science case.. VIEWPOINTS "Blood AB0 system dieting", a popular diet based on the “presumed” association between an individual's blood group and nutritional preferences. A pseudo-science case.. Raffaele Porta Jul 13, 2018
Vaccines – a position paper from the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei VIEWPOINTS Vaccines – a position paper from the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei Raffaele Porta Jan 30, 2018