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Recent Comments
Thank you Miguel for your excellent post on a very sensitive topic not only for the University teachers like us. Just few days ago I posted on facebook the following sentence : "It seems to me that we are exaggerating with all these meetings, seminars, debates, workshops, courses, exams etc etc .... online. I wish to come back, as soon as possible, at talks looking at each other, at shaking our hands and embracing each other". I'm afraid that pandemic may change permanently our behaviors and communicating practices. Such as algorithms are changing, excessively semplifying, the evaluations, or polls are too much conditioning our political choices, virtual teaching and, in general, online communication may reduce the space of participation, limit the relationships and, at the end, the democracy system. Thank you to have called Aristotele as a friendly aid to remember to all of us the main three principles: "logos, ethos and pathos".
The new coronavirus is designated as SARS -Cov-2 and the disease it causes is COVID-19
You're right! The change was made.. thank you!
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