Isabel Varela Nieto (She/Her)

Research Professor, CSIC

About Isabel Varela Nieto

Dr. Isabel Varela-Nieto graduated and earned her doctorate in Chemistry, Biochemistry Section, at the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain). She has been a visiting guest scientist at the Medical Schools of Uppsala (FEBS Fellow, Sweden) and San Diego (MEC Sabbatical, USA). She is Professor of Research at the CSIC and group leader at the CIBER of rare diseases (CIBERER, ISCIII) in Madrid. From the early 1990s she has been studying hearing neurobiology and IGF-1 actions. She was the first Chair of the SEBBM Science for Society working group with which she actively collaborates, and member of the FEBS Network working group. She is currently the president of the SEBBM, a member of the FEBS Science and Society Committee and of the ISC Finances Committee.

Research Interest

Animal Model Apoptosis Autophagy Cell Signalling Molecular Medicine Neuroscience Signal Transduction

FEBS Constituent Society

Spain (SEBBM)

Other Expertise/Interests

Grant writing Journal publishing Postgraduate training Scientific communication Scientific event organization Scientific policy

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Outreach activities: advice, resources and ideas for life scientists

Recent Comments

Oct 11, 2021

Yes indeed! keep posting!

May 18, 2020

TjThanks Miguel A, food for thought! ... there is no doubt that many activities will change and we will learn that they can be done remotely. But undoubtedly, personal interaction increases communication and creativity, activates more brain areas. We should also fight not to lose our most human side as we walk this new path.

Sep 18, 2019

If you work in biomedicine, you should read this article and those recommended...

Jul 07, 2019

Great tool, thank you very much for sharing!

Jun 07, 2019

Great idea! Poster Pitch, looking forward to it

Jul 02, 2018

Bravo! Let´s follow this lead and be careful about how we use language.

Jul 02, 2018

I totally agree, the pace at which pseudosciences advance is a matter of great worry and it is important to have channels, as this one, to create awareness.


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