Inmaculada Yruela (She/Her)

Research scientist, CSIC

About Inmaculada Yruela

Dr. Inmaculada Yruela graduated and earned her doctorate in Chemistry at the University of Sevilla (Spain). She has been a visiting guest scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Energy Conversion in Mülheim an der Ruhr (Germany) and at Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Indiana University School of Medicine (USA). She is research scientist at the CSIC and group leader at Computational and Structural Biology in Estación Experimental de Aula (CSIC), Zaragoza (Spain). From the early 1990s she has been studying the relationship between the structure and function of redox protein complexes involved in photosynthesis (I.e. PSII, cytochromes) among other, and more recently the role of intrinsic ductiliity and plasticity of proteins in organismal complexity, multicellularity and evolution. She has led science outreach projects. She is currently member of SEBBM.

Research Interest

Bioenergetics Biophysics Computational Biology Evolution Plant Biology Structural Biology

FEBS Constituent Society

Spain (SEBBM)

Other Expertise/Interests

Scientific communication Scientific event organization

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