Isabel Varela Nieto (She/Her)

Research Professor, CSIC
Lloyd Mabonga

Postdoctoral Research Scientist, University of Pretoria, Pan African Cancer Research Institute (PACRI)


PhD Student , Institute of Biochemistry and medical chemistry medical school University of pecs Hungary

Adenike Christabel Ogunro (nee Blankson)

PhD student , Federal University of Technology Minna

Subham Preetam

Early Stage Researcher (R1), DGIST

Subham Preetam is the Founder & CEO of N BASE. He is a professional biotechnologist in the field of biorobotics, cancer, immunity, biomedical, and nanometerial research. He is dedicated to the advancement of precision medicine and successful preclinical research to enhance the quality of life for individuals. With extensive cross-disciplinary training and experience in translational research, he is currently focused on various research topics, including microrobotics, soft bio-hybrid robots, and quantum nanoparticles for drug delivery. Furthermore, he is involved in developing a bio-fluidics nanomedicine system that leverages the latest drug delivery technologies to create personalized solutions for brain cancer. 
Auke Boersma

Veterinarian / Archive Manager, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna

Elena Piccinin

Post Doc, University of Bari "Aldo Moro"

Bernard Ademola

Student, University of Benin

Lakshmi sowmya Emani

PhD student , KL deemed to be university

Lela Chitadze

Invited Lecturer / Researcher / PhD student, Institute of Chemical biology/Ilia State University

Evgenia Milova

Student, 6th year (equivalent second year of Master’s degree), Lomonosov Moscow State University

Jerka Dumic

Professor, University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry

Eunus S. Ali

Postdoc, Northwestern University

Subhashree, Lifescience

Noemi Jiménez-Rojo

Postdoc, University of Geneva

I am a postdoctoral fellow at the Biochemistry Department of the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and my work focuses on understanding lipid diversity and uncovering new lipid functions using multidisciplinary approaches (membrane biophysics, lipidomics, cell biology). I have also co-founded and chaired the Postdoc Association of UNIGE to work towards strengthening the links between postdoctoral fellows and creating a more collaborative and safe work environment. Advocate for equity in science.
Eunus Ali

Postdoc, NU

Maxim G Ponomarev

CEO, Founder, Director, Professor, Dr
Fiona Veira-McTiernan

FEBS Events Associate – Advanced Courses, Congress, 3+, FEBS

I am the FEBS Events Associate – Advanced Courses, Congress, 3+ at FEBS, supporting the delivery of those events. Previously I was the Communications and Digital Platforms Associate, also at FEBS, and worked on platforms such as the FEBS Network and FEBS website. Before joining FEBS I managed the grant programmes of a number of UK research charities, mainly in the field of cancer, as well as supported the fundraising at those organisations. I also developed e-learning resources at the Institute of Cancer Research. I have a BSc in Biochemistry and an MSc in Nutrition. After years in London I have now moved back to Spain.
Consuelo Guerri

Researcher and Head of Cell Pathology Laboratory, Reserach Center Prince Felipe