Subham Preetam is the Founder & CEO of N BASE. He is a professional biotechnologist in the field of biorobotics, cancer, immunity, biomedical, and nanometerial research. He is dedicated to the advancement of precision medicine and successful preclinical research to enhance the quality of life for individuals.
With extensive cross-disciplinary training and experience in translational research, he is currently focused on various research topics, including microrobotics, soft bio-hybrid robots, and quantum nanoparticles for drug delivery. Furthermore, he is involved in developing a bio-fluidics nanomedicine system that leverages the latest drug delivery technologies to create personalized solutions for brain cancer.
Abdel fattah, Gamal Moustafa
biochemistry researcher, faculty of science, Alxanderia university
iam graduated from faculty of science, chemistry and biochemistry dep.
i have a biomedical analysis diploma.
my master degree focused in treatment diabetes with the combination therapy using natural products and a pharmaceutical.
i hope to find a PHD position in biochemistry.
mainly my interest in biochemistry.
title of thesis( treatment of HFD induced diabetes with combination of metformin and natural products)
Dr. Isabel Varela-Nieto graduated and earned her doctorate in Chemistry, Biochemistry Section, at the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain). She has been a visiting guest scientist at the Medical Schools of Uppsala (FEBS Fellow, Sweden) and San Diego (MEC Sabbatical, USA). She is Professor of Research at the CSIC and group leader at the CIBER of rare diseases (CIBERER, ISCIII) in Madrid. From the early 1990s she has been studying hearing neurobiology and IGF-1 actions. She was the first Chair of the SEBBM Science for Society working group with which she actively collaborates, and member of the FEBS Network working group. She is currently the president of the SEBBM, a member of the FEBS Science and Society Committee and of the ISC Finances Committee.