Education posters in the Krakow congress

Come by on Monday July 8th, 14:45 to 16:15, poster Area 2, to see the posters and meet the presenters.​
Education posters in the Krakow congress

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We are excited to have a handful of posters reporting innovative experiences dealing with education, training and career planning, which will be presented in the incoming FEBS Congress in Krakow. One of them will be awarded the "best education poster" prize by FEBS Education Committee, which includes free registration for the 2020 congress in Ljubljana.

This year, poster presenters come from many different places, like Poland, France, Spain, Georgia, Colombia and Australia!

  • P-40-001 Progress with co-learning.Y. Karamanos, A. Matéos, C. Mysiorek, J. Saint-Pol, S. Berger (Université d'Artois, Lens, France)
  • P-40-002 Improving quantitative literacy in incoming biomedical science students.J. Pakay, J. Young, F. Carroll (La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science, Melbourne, Australia)
  • P-40-003 Creating the archive of audio files in order to improve students’ overall academic activity.G. Shengelizde, Y.S. Dudi, A. Sing, N. Kumar, I. Sakhelashvili, N. Jojua (European University, Tbilisi, Georgia)
  • Teaching-learning metabolic pathways through the production of audiovisual media. — F. Bautista, C. Rubiano (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia)
  • LB-40-01 The project of PBL workshop classes with Biochemical Oxford Debate as a method of active learning in Nutritional Biochemistry Course.A. Bentke (Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland)
  • LB-40-02 Television game shows as an inspiration for educational games in teaching medical biochemistry.K. Kaszuba (Jagiellonian University Medical College Chair of Medical Biochemistry, Krakow, Poland)
  • LB-40-03 Design-Based Research as a valuable tool for developing undergraduate biochemistry experimental teaching-learning sequences. — Á.L. García-Ponce, M.Á. Medina, Á. Blanco-López, A.R. Quesada (Universidad de Málaga, Spain)

You may read the abstracts at the FEBS Education Platform.

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over 5 years ago

I will certainly be there on Monday!

It is always great to see novel educational ideas at FEBS Congresses! 

Fruitful Education Benefits Science!