The STEM loop: how a teaching and learning department can support science education in universities

FEBS Education Committee is pleased to announce the next event in the series of Seasonal Webinars:
We welcome Professor Jim O'Mahony, (MSc in Biotechnology and a PhD in Microbiology and a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences, and also a part-time staff of the Teaching and Learning Unit based at Munster Technological University in Cork, Ireland).
Jim also serves on many national advisory bodies including the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning and the National Academic Integrity Network. In 2021, Jim received a National Teaching Hero Award following nominations received from his students.
Jim was the founding director of the level 8 degree programme in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology which now hosts 90 final year students. In 2017 he was recruited to a part-time secondment in T&L where he has overseen many initiatives aimed at promoting and supporting T&L initiatives including the establishment of over 30 Learning Communities (LC). LC's are creative, safe spaces that provide a platform and opportunity for people who have something to learn and/or something to share. Jim will talk about the concept and development of LC's in MTU and share support and partnership experiences.
Please join us at this exciting talk on Dec 2, Thursday, 16.00 CET!
We encourage you to promote this event at your national societies and institutions as well!
FEBS Education Committee is inviting you to a scheduled FEBS Education Seasonal Webinar.
Time: Dec 2, 2021 04:00 PM Paris
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 622 492 0247
Passcode: 981312
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