I am a PhD candidate (Dept. of Biology, University of Patras, Greece) currently investigating drug resistance mechanisms and signaling pathways in hematological disorders and solid tumors. My studies are focused on proteasome inhibitors and the role of key kinases and transcription factors in the emergence of resistance.
Subham Preetam is the Founder & CEO of N BASE. He is a professional biotechnologist in the field of biorobotics, cancer, immunity, biomedical, and nanometerial research. He is dedicated to the advancement of precision medicine and successful preclinical research to enhance the quality of life for individuals.
With extensive cross-disciplinary training and experience in translational research, he is currently focused on various research topics, including microrobotics, soft bio-hybrid robots, and quantum nanoparticles for drug delivery. Furthermore, he is involved in developing a bio-fluidics nanomedicine system that leverages the latest drug delivery technologies to create personalized solutions for brain cancer.
Christopher Sand
Student B.Sc ,Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrecht-University
I am the FEBS Events Associate – Advanced Courses, Congress, 3+ at FEBS, supporting the delivery of those events. Previously I was the Communications and Digital Platforms Associate, also at FEBS, and worked on platforms such as the FEBS Network and FEBS website.
Before joining FEBS I managed the grant programmes of a number of UK research charities, mainly in the field of cancer, as well as supported the fundraising at those organisations. I also developed e-learning resources at the Institute of Cancer Research. I have a BSc in Biochemistry and an MSc in Nutrition. After years in London I have now moved back to Spain.
Ferhan Sagin
Chair, FEBS Education and Training Committee, Ege University, Faculty of Medicine
Atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases, biomarkers
Junior-GBM is the Junior Section of the German Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM). It was set up in 2011 to support the career development and networking opportunities of students and young researchers in the molecular life sciences in Germany. The Junior-GBM organise and deliver their own activities, under the supervision of their Society and all members of the Junior-GBM are members of the GBM. Junior-GBM are also part of the FEBS Junior Section. To find out more about the Junior-GBM read their overview post and check out the online talks and other activities they deliver, accesible from the 'Popular contributions' section below.