Fiona Veira-McTiernan (She/Her)

FEBS Events Associate – Advanced Courses, Congress, 3+, FEBS
Hajrah Khawaja

Editor, FEBS Press journals


Professor & ERA-Chair Holder (Valorization technologies), Estonian University of Life Sciences

Rajeev holds ‘Research & Teaching’ experience of nearly 23 years in the field of agri-food technology, with his expertise focusing mainly on various issues pertaining to ‘Sustainable Food Production’ and ‘Food Security.’ Research interest revolves around Innovative Food Processing & Preservation Technologies, (Quality and Safety); Valorization technologies; Circular bio-economy; Digitalization, and Developing Novel Food Products & Designer Foods. He has experience of working in India, South Korea, Malaysia, Germany, Fiji Islands, and now in Estonia. To date, he has published more than 250 research articles published in ISI-based journals and as refereed book chapters; have edited 10 books and authored one book; He sits on the editorial board of leading international journals and has been on the scientific committee/advisory board member and an invited speaker in various international conferences/symposium/workshops. He has been a visiting professor in many institutions of higher learning and is also a recipient of several prestigious international awards and recognition conferred by various institutions of higher learning and research establishments

Organising committee, FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE

Initially funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, the first four ENABLE conferences were held in the cities hosting the headquarters of the four entities leading the project: the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona) in Barcelona, Spain; the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (RIMLS) in Nijmegen, The Netherlands; The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Protein Research (CPR) in Copenhagen, Denmark; and the Scuola Europea di Medicina Molecolare (SEMM), in Milan, Italy. In this new cycle of conferences, FEBS, IUBMB and the four core ENABLE institutions have joined forces to share ENABLE best practices with other international research institutions. To this end, in addition to the four core research centres, other institutions can apply to become associated centres and host one of the events. For the 2024 event, FEBS-IUBMB-ENABLE will actively search for an associated centre in a non-European country to ensure that one of the events is held on another continent.
Monika Lachner

Head of Internal Scientific Training, EMBL

Brenda Stride

Deputy Head of Internal Scientific Training/ Postdoctoral Programme Manager, EMBL

Em Dixon

Science Engagement Manager (Schools), Wellcome Connecting Science

Science Engagement Manager (Schools) for Wellcome Connecting Science, specialising in engaging secondary students with topics in genomics. Passionate about equity and inclusion.
Robbie Baldock

Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Sciences, University of Portsmouth

As a Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Science, I teach across several modules on the BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science programme. My research aims to uncover the mechanisms that protect the genetic integrity of both nuclear and mitochondrial DNA. 
Alberto Martínez Soriano

Biochemistry Bachelor Student, University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM)

I am a science enthusiast who loves learning and researching about topics such as neuroscience and genetics.  I am vice-president of the youth association Bioquímica en Movimiento-Toledo branch (BeM-Toledo), which collaborates with the Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM) and the FEBS Junior Section.
Cristina Blanco Sío-López

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Senior Global Fellow and Principal Investigator (PI); Executive Committee Member, GYA, Ca' Foscari University of Venice; Global Young Academy (GYA); Young Academy of Europe (YAE); Young Academy of Spain

Dr. Cristina Blanco Sío-López is Marie Skłodowska-Curie Senior Global Fellow and Principal Investigator (PI) of the EU Horizon 2020 research project ‘Navigating Schengen: Historical Challenges and Potentialities of the EU’s Free Movement of Persons, 1985-2015’ (NAVSCHEN) at the European Studies Center (ESC) – EU Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence (JMEUCE) of the University of Pittsburgh (2019-2021) and at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice. She previously was Assistant Professor in European Culture and Politics at the University of Groningen and ‘Santander’ Senior Fellow in Iberian and European Studies at the European Studies Centre (ESC) – St. Antony’s College of the University of Oxford, where she remains a Senior Member.  She is Executive Committee Member of the Global Young Academy (GYA), Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe (YAE) and Full Member of the Young Academy of Spain. She was Chair of the North America Chapter of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) in 2020-2021, which received the ‘Best Non-European Chapter Award 2020’ by the MCAA.  She obtained her PhD in History and Civilization (European Integration History) at the European University Institute of Florence (EUI) and received the FAEY Best PhD Thesis ‘European Research and Mobility’ Award in 2008.
James Richard Perkins

Postdoctoral researcher, CIBERER, University of Malaga

James Perkins is a postdoctoral bioinformatics and computational biology researcher at the University of Malaga-IBIMA and the Spanish Rare Disease Biomedical Research Network (CIBERER). His research interests include omics-analysis, target prioritization, functional annotation, systems biology and disease-phenotype analysis, with a focus on rare disease.
Anna Kuppuswamy

Principal Research Fellow , UCL

Katalin Solymosi

Assistant Professor, ELTE - Eötvös Loránd University

Gemma Modinos

Chair, Young Academy of Europe

Paula Salazar

Postdoctoral fellow, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Health


Junior Section of NVBMB, NVBMB

Young-NVBMB is the Junior Section of the Netherlands Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (NVBMB). It is a collaboration between NVBMB and several student organizations in the field of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology across the Netherlands (e.g., GLV Idun, SV Mens, ULSV Amino, CODON, and SvBMT Protagoras). Young-NVBMV was set up in 2021 to support the career development and networking opportunities of students and young researchers in the molecular life sciences in the Netherlands. Young-NVBMB organise and deliver their own activities under the supervision of their Society and all members of the Junior Section are members of NVBMB. Young-NVBMB are also part of the FEBS Junior Section. To find out more about Young-NVBMB read their overview post and check out the online talks and other activities they deliver, accesible from the 'Popular contributions' section below.
Xavier Coumoul

Professor in Biochemistry and Toxicology, Université Paris Cité

I am a Professor of Toxicology, Biochemistry and Cell Signaling at Université Paris Cité (former Université Paris Descartes). I have completed my PhD in molecular toxicology and a post-graduate year in Bethesda, MD. I am the head of a Master degrees in toxicology and ecotoxicology. My research is based on cellular and animal models and on three main axes: 1) the influence of persistent organic pollutants on breast tumorigenesis and metabolic disruption, 2) the contextual role of pollutants in the occurrence of chronic liver diseases including steatosis and fibrosis, 3) the effect of mixtures on the progression of neurodegenerative diseases. I am involved in the development of innovative pedagogy methods and technics in order to improve transmission, acquisition, memorization and utilization of scientific knowledge by our biomedical students. I used flipped classrooms, quizzes (at home and during courses) and virtual reality to interact and immerge with students in and outside the classroom. Indeed, I developed with pedagogic engineers, 1) Home-based 45’’ Quizzes to engage students in regular learning modes and 2) serious games on cell signaling and xenobiotic stress. Together, with Etienne Blanc, Caroline Chauvet and Frédéric Dardel, I wrote several French books of biochemistry and toxicology topics for undergraduate students. I collaborate with several national and international institutes and universities (CNAM Thierry KOSCIELNIAK, Université de Strasbourg Jean-Luc SOUCIET, National University of Singapore, Fun Man FUNG...) for the development of innovative methods in teaching.
Natasha Latysheva

Research Engineer, DeepMind

Ryan Griffiths

PhD-Student, Quadram Institute Biosciences

Jen Heemstra

Professor, Emory University

Jen Heemstra is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Emory University, where her lab is focused on harnessing the molecular recognition and self-assembly properties of nucleic acids and proteins for applications in biosensing and bioimaging. In addition to her research, Jen is also actively engaged in science communication, outreach, and advocacy. Outside of work, Jen enjoys spending time with her husband and two sons, as well as rock climbing, cycling, and running.