Keith Elliott

Member, FEBS Education Committee
Caner Geyik

Assistant Prof., Istinye University

Tuğçe Çeker

PhD Student, Akdeniz University

Özgün Özalp

Postdoctoral Fellow , University of Zurich

Abdel fattah, Gamal Moustafa

biochemistry researcher, faculty of science, Alxanderia university

iam graduated from faculty of science, chemistry and biochemistry dep. i have a biomedical analysis diploma. my master degree focused in treatment diabetes with the combination therapy using natural products and a pharmaceutical. i hope to find a PHD position in biochemistry. mainly my interest in biochemistry. title of thesis( treatment of HFD induced diabetes with combination of metformin and natural products)
Tamer Bego

Associate Professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sarajevo

I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Clinical Analysis at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Sarajevo. My research interest in general is the area of genetics of type 2 diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome, pharmacogenetics of diabetes, association of inflammatory biomarkers and free fatty acids with diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome.

PhD student , BioConnecT

I'm a second-year Ph.D. student working on tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. interested in tissue engineering and biotechnologies as well as cancerology. I had a hand-on experience on many molecular, cell culture, IHC and staining techniques.
Agnieszka Bojko

postdoctoral researcher, Laboratory of Molecular Bases of Aging, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Polish Academy of Sciences

Anna Mleczko

PhD student, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences

19th YSF Organizing Committee member. PhD student at Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznań. I love science, animals, volunteering, sports, juggling, metal music and crocheting.

PhD, Ege University

Nanotechnology, drug delivery systems, biosensors, chromatography, advanced materials characterization
Tiago André Sousa Vieira Augusto

PhD Student, UCIBIO.REQUIMTE/ Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto

Hi! I'm a PhD student with a special interest in breast cancer and its mechanisms of resistance to aromatase inhibitors. I'm 25 years old and from Porto, Portugal. I play handball, and I was even national champion of beach handball.
Hovakim Grabski

PhD student, Russian-Armenian University

Emily Coyte

Educational Research Lead, Learning Science Ltd

Nice to meet you! I am a Educational Research Lead for LearnSci, an education technology company dedicated to making interactive and engaging resources to support all aspects of science education with a core focus on undergraduate laboratory teaching and learning. I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and a member of the Biochemical Society.
Adewale Oluwatosin Emmanuel

Postgraduate Student, Osun State University

Ayşe Koçak

phD , Dokuz Eylul University

Yunus Toso

Medical Student, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty

Zhen Li

Research associate, Imperial College London

Robert Adamu Shey

PhD Student, Universite Libre de Bruxelles

Harun UN

Research Assistant, PhD, Ataturk University

Barbora Smolková

Research Fellow, Oslo University Hospital

Huseyin Ayhan

PhD student, Yeditepe University