Student representative
Christopher Sand
Student B.Sc ,Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrecht-University
A multi-disciplinary enthusiast currently working in the field of Bioinformatics focused on understanding microbial genomes. Other interests include Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Writing, and Numismatics.
Dr. Isabel Varela-Nieto graduated and earned her doctorate in Chemistry, Biochemistry Section, at the University Complutense of Madrid (Spain). She has been a visiting guest scientist at the Medical Schools of Uppsala (FEBS Fellow, Sweden) and San Diego (MEC Sabbatical, USA). She is Professor of Research at the CSIC and group leader at the CIBER of rare diseases (CIBERER, ISCIII) in Madrid. From the early 1990s she has been studying hearing neurobiology and IGF-1 actions. She was the first Chair of the SEBBM Science for Society working group with which she actively collaborates, and member of the FEBS Network working group. She is currently the president of the SEBBM, a member of the FEBS Science and Society Committee and of the ISC Finances Committee.
Nataliya Finiuk
Junior Scientist, Institute of Cell Biology National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine