Miguel A. De la Rosa

Prof. Dr., Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC

Research Interest

Apoptosis Bioenergetics Biophysics Chemical Biology Membranes and Membrane Proteins Protein Chemistry Protein Structure/Modifications Structural Biology

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Spain (SEBBM)

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Recent Comments

May 16, 2020

Thanks to you both, Ferhan and Andreas. It’s good to know you agree with most comments at the post.

You suggest a “blended way in the future”. Maybe we are living a kairos, i.e. facing an educational challenge. Kairos is an ancient Greek word meaning the right or opportune moment in time to change things. Is the current pandemic a kairos for changing the educational model? Should the classical textbooks be replaced by video lectures?

This would mean to have just a few superb lecturers in each language who record say first-year undergraduate biochemistry content that is used by everyone else. Should thus the predominant teaching format in the future be based on the flipped class, with students attending online video lectures at home and physical questions/answers classes at the university or school?