Hayley Brownless

Master's student (MSc in Cancer Biology and Precision Oncology), The University of Edinburgh

My name is Hayley Brownless, I’m 24-years old and I live in County Durham in England. In 2021 I completed my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences at Lancaster University. As part of my undergraduate dissertation, I analysed transcriptomic data to identify differentially expressed genes when C. elegans is exposed to P. aeruginosa, results of these analyses were used in the frontiers in Microbiology article “Meta-Analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans Transcriptomics Implicates Hedgehog-Like Signaling in Host-Microbe Interactions”. I currently work in the NHS and in September 2023 I began working towards an MSc in Cancer Biology and Precision Oncology with the University of Edinburgh. In my spare time I love to read and take care of my two dogs, Poppy and Archie.
Mehmet Akif KILIC

Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Akdeniz University

MSc in Bacterial Physiology and PhD in Protein Biochemistry Professor (Associate) at Akdeniz University Structural and functional analysis of rat prolactin receptor gene. Rat prolactin receptor and isoforms in liver and kidney. Non-genotoxic toxicity and tumorigenesis mechanisms of ochratoxin A (OTA) in vivo and in vitro. The role of testosterone and estrogen in OTA toxicity. The receptor mediated OTA toxicity and tumorigenesis in rat kidney. Ochratoxins Prolactin Receptors Estrogen Antagonists Estrogen Receptor Testosterone Androgen Receptors Nonsteroidal Anti-Androgens Ovariectomy Castration mRNA Expression Renal Pathology Renal Cancer Targeted Drug Delivery Toxicity Endocrine Disruption Reproductive Toxicology Estrogens Cancer Biology Androgens Steroids Toxicity Studies Native PAGE Endocrine Disruptors Environmental Toxicology Animal Physiology Encapsulation Cancer Research Nanoparticles Microbiology Biotechnology Proteins Protein Stability Ions Mycotoxins Cancer Cell Biology Fluorescence Spectroscopy Site-Directed Mutagenesis Wistar Rats Protein Folding Circular Dichroism Protein Conformation Cell Culture Molecular Endocrinology Neuroendocrinology Biomarkers PCR Protein Purification Reproductive Endocrinology Protein Structure Protein-Protein Interaction
Bramadi Arya

PhD Student, Mahidol University

Subham Preetam

Early Stage Researcher (R1), DGIST

Subham Preetam is the Founder & CEO of N BASE. He is a professional biotechnologist in the field of biorobotics, cancer, immunity, biomedical, and nanometerial research. He is dedicated to the advancement of precision medicine and successful preclinical research to enhance the quality of life for individuals. With extensive cross-disciplinary training and experience in translational research, he is currently focused on various research topics, including microrobotics, soft bio-hybrid robots, and quantum nanoparticles for drug delivery. Furthermore, he is involved in developing a bio-fluidics nanomedicine system that leverages the latest drug delivery technologies to create personalized solutions for brain cancer. 
Sibel Konyalıoğlu

Prof. Dr., Ege University Pharmacy Faculty

Amel ben anes

Postdoc, Sousse university

Özgün Özalp

Postdoctoral Fellow , University of Zurich

Petar Ozretić

Dr, Rudjer Boskovic Institute

Caner Geyik

Assistant Prof., Istinye University

Dejenie Shiferaw

A/Researcher, Ethiopian Public Health Institute

Bernard Ademola

Student, University of Benin

Christopher Sand

Student B.Sc ,Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrecht-University

Dorotea Fracchiolla

PostDoc, University of Vienna

Lucia Falbo

Post doctoral Fellow, IFOM - The FIRC Institute of Molecular Oncology

Genomic Instability DNA metabolism DNA Damage Molecular Oncology Stem cells DNA replication Gene expression Xenopus system
Isatou Sarr

Scientific Officer, MRCG@LSHTM


PostDoc, Gustave Roussy

Paolo Pelini

Erbochimico , Cytotoxicology Research Italy

Expert in Pharmacognostic Research, Cytotoxicology and Phytochemical Control Plant Extracts of Officinal Plants http://www.paolopelinierbochimico.it Curriculum CV
Ceyda Aldag

PhD Candidate, Ege University / Institute of Science

Marijana Jukić

Postdoc, Faculty of Medicine