Hayley Brownless

Master's student (MSc in Cancer Biology and Precision Oncology), The University of Edinburgh

About Hayley Brownless

My name is Hayley Brownless, I’m 24-years old and I live in County Durham in England. In 2021 I completed my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences at Lancaster University. As part of my undergraduate dissertation, I analysed transcriptomic data to identify differentially expressed genes when C. elegans is exposed to P. aeruginosa, results of these analyses were used in the frontiers in Microbiology article “Meta-Analysis of Caenorhabditis elegans Transcriptomics Implicates Hedgehog-Like Signaling in Host-Microbe Interactions”. I currently work in the NHS and in September 2023 I began working towards an MSc in Cancer Biology and Precision Oncology with the University of Edinburgh. In my spare time I love to read and take care of my two dogs, Poppy and Archie.

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