Lali Shanhiashvili

Prof., Ilia State University
Angel Herráez

Associate professor, University of Alcalá

biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics, molecular visualisation, technology for teaching and learning
Ferhan Sagin

Chair, FEBS Education and Training Committee, Ege University, Faculty of Medicine

Atherosclerosis, inflammatory diseases, biomarkers
László Fésüs

professor, University of Debrecen

I became an MD in 1972, then decided to do research in biomedical sciences and received my PhD in immunology in 1978. I spent 3 years as a postdoctoral fellow at NIH, USA, then started a university carrier in Debrecen where became professor of biochemistry and molecular biology in 1988 at the Faculty of Medicine, then chairman of this department between 1993 and 2013. My research group has focused on molecular mechanisms in cell death, structure and function of transglutaminases with clinical implications, inflammation, differentiation and functions of white and brown adipocytes. I was visiting professor at the University of Texas and the University of Rome, coordinated major European projects of COST, ESF and EU-Frame Work programs. I was rector (1999-2001, 2007-2010) and president of the Medical and Health Science Center (2001-2007) of the University of Debrecen. Elected to chair the Hungarian Accreditation Committee for Higher Education (2004-2007), the Hungarian Biochemical Society (2005-2015) and became a member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1998 where chaired the Science and Ethics Committee and currently chair the Biology Section of the Academy. In 2010 I was elected to be the member of the Committee on Science and Ethics of All European Academies (ALLEA) and participated in the drafting group of the recently published new European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. . Since 2012 I chair the Publications Committee of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies and I am member of FEBS Executive Committee.
Abdelaziz Hmyene

Professor, Head of Biology department, University of Hassan II Casablanca

Faculty of sciences and techniques University of Hassan II Casablanca
Alberto Spisni

Prof., University of Parma

Aljoša Bavec

Professor , Medical faculty, University of Ljubljana

Paraoxonase-1, glucagons like peptide-1 receptor, G-proteins, molecular interactions, enzyme kinetic, signalling, neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes mellitus 2, technology for teaching and learning
Anat Yarden

Prof., Weizmann Institute of Science

Professor Anat Yarden is Head of the Department of Science Teaching at the Weizmann Institute of Science, and Head of the Biology Group at this Department. The primary theme in all of her academic activities has been the attempt to adapt practices employed by scientists, to the processes by which students and teachers accumulate and advance their knowledge within the discipline of biology. Towards this end, her group pioneered the adaption of primary scientific literature for the teaching and learning of biology in high schools.
Diana Petkova

professor, Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engenering

Molecular chaperones, estrogen signaling; undergraduate teaching, active learning, flipped classroom, curriculum development, graduate student training
Erkki Raulo

Senior Adviser, University of Helsinki

Luciane Vieira de Mello

Professor in Bioscience Education, University of Liverpool

laurens van Meeteren

Assistant Professor, Utrecht University

Expertise in teaching. Using interactive videos in teaching. Flipped classroom. Digital exams. Team Based Learning in biochemistry.
Keith Elliott

Member, FEBS Education Committee

I spent 40 years teaching and researching, and developed a particular interest in education and career development. I chaired the Education Committee and was Careers advisor for the UK Biochemical Society. In these roles, and my work with students at the University of Manchester, I realised how important it is for young scientists to recognise their skills and be able to "sell" themselves to potential employers (and grant awarding bodies). I now run CV support sessions for young scientists on behalf of the FEBS Education Committee, of which I was a founder member.
Kaspars Tars

Professor, University of Latvia

Jürgen Alves

Prof. Dr., Hannover Medical School

João Carlos Marcos

Professor, University of Minho - Department of Chemistry

Jiri Hudecek

Professor, Charles University, Faculty of Science, Dept. Biochemistry

Biophysical chemistry, structure of proteins, applications of spectrometric methods in biochemistry, practical training of students
Jerka Dumic

Professor, University of Zagreb Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry

Jean-Luc Bueb

Prof., University of Luxembourg

Günther Koraimann

Professor, University of Graz

Teaching interests: At the University of Graz, Austria, I am engaged in designing and executing curricula in molecular life sciences. We currently operate one bachelor´s and three master´s degrees in molecular and technical biosciences together with the Technical University of Graz. In these joint programmes in the framework of NAWI Graz there are currently about 1500 students. Research interests: Molecular Biology, Microbiology, bacterial diversity, gene regulation, genetic networks, horizontal gene transfer, antimicrobial resistance, type IV secretion