Thanks for these great hints on giving better presentations. I always enjoy yours since you mix perfectly a story (backed by the "tabel of contents" on one side of the slides) with educational elements, and the take home messages are very clear.
One could add at least another point to your list of dos and don'ts: display only those objects on your slide you are really talking about. Often seen, obviously hardly to avoid: overloaded slides with tons of graphics, sequence data, numbers, equations etc., which confuse the audience rather than teach it. Keep it simple and avoid distractions.
A wonderful laudation on Francis Arnold's efforts and implicitly skills when engineering enzymes towards novel properties and having the capabilities of metabolic netwwors in mind. Thanks, Athel.
Recent Comments
Thanks for these great hints on giving better presentations. I always enjoy yours since you mix perfectly a story (backed by the "tabel of contents" on one side of the slides) with educational elements, and the take home messages are very clear.
One could add at least another point to your list of dos and don'ts: display only those objects on your slide you are really talking about. Often seen, obviously hardly to avoid: overloaded slides with tons of graphics, sequence data, numbers, equations etc., which confuse the audience rather than teach it. Keep it simple and avoid distractions.
Looking forward to hearing your next talk.
A wonderful laudation on Francis Arnold's efforts and implicitly skills when engineering enzymes towards novel properties and having the capabilities of metabolic netwwors in mind. Thanks, Athel.