Your Brand as a Scientist webinar: IUBMB Trainee Initiative
The Trainee Initiative of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology invites you to their online webinar “Your Brand as a Scientist”, on 31 October 2023. The webinar will cover topics and offer tips to help improve your visibility and career opportunities. Please share this event!

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The International Union Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Trainee Initiative (IUBMB TI) is organising an online webinar Your Brand as a Scientist. The webinar will feature topics on scientific branding, science communication, and tips to improve your networking and social media use, which can potentially improve your visibility and career opportunities. It aims to provide attendees with practical strategies for creating compelling online profiles, engaging wider audiences, and fostering scientific collaborations.
Date: 31 October 2023
Time: 9pm GMT+8
Sign up link:
Top image by the IUBMB TI
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