Visual memories

From the first FEBS Education and Training Conference in Europe (March 20–23, Antalya, Türkiye).
Visual memories

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Inspired by the beautiful post by Ali Burak Özkaya, I hope to please the FEBS-ETC Community by sharing more photographs

(with a few more humorous captions to underline, with all due respect, the friendliness of the event)

Miguel de la Rosa displays the rich collection of trophies from our FEBS community.

Ferhan Sagin patiently literates the new class of Ambassadors.
David(e) with Marco de Carvalho Filho, capable of melting even hearts of stone...
…while describing a powerful methodology in the Workshop on teachers’ identity development.
Another David with Boris Jokic describing the power of art and education.
Workshop on engagement in group work.
At the finale of this magnificent show, Robert Harris reveals a new meaning for TECH.

All images by the author.

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Go to the profile of Ferhan Sagin
10 months ago

Great post Maria Luisa! You are a very valuable asset of our community...