Introducing a themed journal issue on 'Evolving Molecular Bioscience Education'

Introducing a themed journal issue on 'Evolving Molecular Bioscience Education'

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A recent issue of Essays in Biochemistry comprises a varied collection of articles written by bioscience educators working in higher education across the world.

The idea for the issue emerged from the 4th in the series of education training events run as a collaboration between the UK Biochemical Society and FEBS. The Evolving Molecular Bioscience Education event held in May 2021, continuing the biennial series, saw a network of educators gather online to discuss advances and challenges in bioscience education, sharing good practice and making new connections.

The guest editors wanted to capture some of these ideas to share with the wider molecular bioscience education community, and this is what has been done through this special issue.

Through short perspective articles and case studies, this issue aims to share best practice and novel ideas with those teaching in higher education in the molecular biosciences. The hope is that this issue will be of interest to all higher educators in the molecular biosciences, from early career lecturers to established professors.

Articles in this issue cover the topics of online teaching, skills development, innovative teaching, and assessment & feedback.

We hope you enjoy reading this issue.

'Evolving Molecular Bioscience Education'
Guest edited by: Luciane V. Mello (University of Liverpool, UK) and Helen Watson (University of Plymouth, UK)

Essays in Biochemistry is a themed issue journal, bridging the gap between the latest research and established textbooks. It is published by Portland Press on behalf of the Biochemical Society.

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Go to the profile of Angel Herráez
about 2 years ago

Congratulations for this initiative!