Development of a teaching module for PhD candidates

FEBS Education Seasonal Webinar, autumn 2022
Development of a teaching module for PhD candidates

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FEBS Education Committee hosts Prof. John Kelly and his group’s eye-opening initiative on developing a teaching module for PhD candidates, at its autumn 2022 webinar. 

Since 2020, FEBS Education Committee organizes a quarterly seasonal webinar with the aim to raise awareness and share good practices in undergraduate and doctoral education in biochemistry and molecular life sciences. These events are open to everyone interested.

The  autumn 2022 webinar (‘Development of a teaching module for PhD candidates’) will give us new insights into PhD training.

The talk will be presented by Prof. John Kelly from the National University of Ireland (NUI) Galway, who has given 40 years in pharmacological and toxicological research, 8 of which have been spent in industry. His research areas include the mechanisms of action of antidepressants using preclinical models, and the effects of early social isolation on rodent development. This research has resulted in over 100 peer-reviewed publications, and the textbook Principles of CNS drug development: from test tube to patient published in 2010.

Prof. Kelly has been involved in developing a range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Pharmacology for Science, Medicine, Nursing and Health Science students, with a particular emphasis on developing reasoning skills that are appropriate for the different student groups. He received the President’s Award for Teaching Excellence, within the College of Medicine Nursing and Health Sciences in 2021, and for NUI Galway in 2011.

Kelly and his team refined what constituted “teaching duties” and realised the value of creating a module that would provide PhD students with training and mentorship in teaching, and higher-order teaching skills. In 2020–2021, they conducted a pilot scheme, where students and staff met regularly  to discuss teaching and how to maximise its potential. This module is expected to provide a firm foundation with relevance to the diversity of career pathways that PhD graduates undertake.

All educators/researchers involved with PhD training are welcome to this webinar!

It will surely provide a good example to all of us, which we can further develop in our settings!

Join us for the webinar on Thursday November 3, 2022 at 15:00–16:00 (CET). 

The link to the webinar is:

Meeting ID: 862 8915 1605
Passcode: 427250

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