Can you improve the efficiency of your teaching?

Instructors at all levels of education face a major challenge in grabbing the interest of students and managing to get them involved in the process of their own learning. There is ample accumulated evidence that an effective learning requires that the students take an active role and are not just passive listeners to whatever the professors have to say. The need for this change in paradigm is ever so more relevant as the content of many disciplines expands at an accelerated pace, remarkably so for the biomolecular sciences, and there is a need for learning how to learn at keep abreast of the new developments in knowledge, techniques and applications.
The Biochemical Society in UK and Ireland is now offering an opportunity for learning how to improve the efficiency of teaching, with a distance course set in 5 modules of estimated 1.5 hours each, that may be followed at the attendee's own pace. The course starts soon. It is aimed at anyone teaching or supporting teaching in bioscience at Higher Education, from early career to experienced lecturers, with a focus on technological tools that may help improve students’ learning.
For more information:
Using technology for effective teaching in HE
starting 27 January 2020
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