The Science Communication Competition winners are...

The Science Communication Competition winners are...

The FEBS Journal’s 50th anniversary is a celebration of our community—after all, if it were not for our dedicated authors, referees and readers, the journal would have long ago ceased to exist. Therefore, we invited our community to join the celebration by hosting a science communication competition aimed at describing a scientific concept or advance in the life sciences in written, video, cartoon or animation form.

We were delighted by the response. We received thoughtful, interesting pieces on a wide variety of topics. Selecting the winners was not an easy task. In the end, we thought that three entries captured the spirit of the competition in terms of relevance, accuracy and appeal to a broad audience.

The winners of The FEBS Journal’s 50th Anniversary Science Communication Competition are:

Antoinette Fong, for her video on the differences between subcutaneous and visceral fat

Diego Estrada-Rivadeneyra, for his poster on Sanger sequencing

V Mitheera, for her video on exercise and endorphins

We hope you find their contributions as fun and educational as we did!

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