FEBS Women in Science - Webinar on equality and beyond (1)
As part of FEBS 60th anniversary celebrations, on 18 and 19 December 2024 the FEBS Women in Science Working Group and the Careers of Young Scientists Committee, with support from the FEBS Junior Section, organised two women in science webinars on “Equality and beyond”.
The webinar held on 18 December featured the following speakers: Cecília M. Arraiano (nominated by The Portuguese Biochemical Society), Hasmik Harutyunyan (nominated by The Armenian Association of Biochemists), Olga Gornik Kljaić (nominated by The Croatian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology), and Peppi Karppinen (nominated by The Finnish Biochemical, Biophysics and Microbiology Society).
Each nominee gave a presentation outlining their career paths, scientific backgrounds and inspirations for pursuing science. This was followed by an engaging online panel discussion chaired by Profs Dame Caroline Dean (Chair of the FEBS Women in Science Working Group), Irene Díaz-Moreno (Chair of the FEBS Careers of Young Scientists Committee) and Jerka Dumić (Chair of the FEBS Integration and Networking Committee), during which the panellists explored topics such as mentorship, leadership roles and strategies for supporting the next generation of scientists.
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