FEBS Junior Section – Laszlo Dobson: Insights into pathogen sorting systems
On 11 April, the FEBS Junior Section organized an online talk as part of their 2024 series of talks on key research and career topics of interest to students and young researchers in the molecular life sciences across Europe. This talk was coordinated by HBS Junior, the junior section of the Hungarian Biochemical Society (MBKE) and was given by Dr László Dobson, HUN-REN Research Centre for Natural Sciences, on the topic of “Insights into pathogen sorting systems with the combination of structural modelling and deep learning”. We share on this post a recording of the talk.
The next event will be advertised on the FEBS Junior Section overview post.
For more videos and posts about and from the FEBS Junior Section visit the Room for the FEBS Junior Section and – if you do not have a junior section yet – read this post about how to set one up!
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