Anja Pišlar

Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Pharmacy
Anna Jagusiak

Researcher, Jagiellonian University Medical College

Morana Dulić

Assistant Professor, University of Zagreb, Faculty od Science

Maja Katalinić

senior research associate, Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health

Irene Diaz-Moreno

Chair of the FEBS Working Group on the Careers of Young Scientists, University of Seville - CSIC

Dr. Irene Díaz-Moreno is Full Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the Institute of Chemical Research of the Scientific Research Centre Isla de la Cartuja – cicCartuja, in Seville (Spain). She was awarded with her Ph.D. with European mention from the University of Seville in 2005. Dr. Irene Díaz-Moreno has worked in collaboration with groups at the Universities of Göteborg (Sweden) and Leiden (The Netherlands) on molecular recognition between metalloproteins involved in electron-transfer processes. She was an EMBO postdoctoral fellow (2006–2008) at the NIMR-MRC in London (UK), working on the regulatory mechanisms of mRNA decay by RNA-binding proteins. In 2010, she got a permanent position at the University of Seville, where she is developing research projects on Biointeractomics field, as well as on the post-translational regulation of biological macromolecules.
Carolyn Elliss

Events Manager – Congress, 3+, Advanced Courses, FEBS

I've long been inspired by the life sciences and have a background in scientific editorial work. At FEBS, my roles have spanned communications, website development, event organization and more – all aimed at improving the services FEBS offers the molecular life science community.