Fun Man Fung
Assistant Professor/ Committee on Chemistry Education, University College Dublin/ IUPAC
Dr. Fun Man Fung is a trained Analytical Chemist. He earned his postgraduate degrees from NUS and Technische Universität München (TUM). As a passionate educator and aspiring change-maker, he has contributed articles for CNA Channel News Asia, The Straits Times, The Conversation, and the World Economic Forum. His research centers on STEAM Education, EdTech, Science of Learning, and 21st Century Skills.
He co-edited two books on Chemistry Education:
[1] 10 Things You Must Know About the International Chemistry Olympiad (World Scientific) and
[2] Technology-Enabled Blended Learning Experiences for Chemistry Education and Outreach (Elsevier).
In 2022, Fun Man was elected council member of the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC), and he served on the IUPAC Committee on Chemistry Education since 2020. Since 2021, Fun Man served as a member of the Editorial Advisory Board at the Journal of Chemical Education, ACS Publications, and FEBS Open Bio, the premium Open-Access journal at the Federation of the European Biochemical Societies. He is the founding chair of the ACS International Chemical Sciences Chapter Singapore.
I am a biochemistry (degree at University of Porto, Portugal) and I have a PhD in Biology and habilitation in Biomedicine. I work in human reproduction, in particular, on unraveling the molecular mechanisms that egulate sperm movement. Interest in the area determined my research in subsequent years focuing on the understanding of the molecular bases of sperm function and relation to male (in)fertility, as well as the characterization of molecular events related to prostate carcinogenesis, with potential diagnosis, prognosis and therapy of this type of cancer.
I love being a teacher and helping my students to learn and to succeed in thier lifes.