Nazli Ecem Dal

PhD Student, Dokuz Eylul University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Molecular Medicine

PhD, Asist. Prof., Istinye University

Vlastimil Kulda

Dr., Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, Charles University

Alexander Wlodawer

Lab Chief, Frederick, MD

Nikos Karamanos

Professor, University of Patras

Matrix Pathobiology, Extracellular Matrix, Matrix-mediated cell regulation and singaling, Pharmacological targeting, Biochemical Assays, Proteoglycans, Glycosaminoglycans, Metalloproteinases
FEBS Letters is renowned both for its quality of content and speed of production. Bringing together the most important developments in the molecular biosciences, FEBS Letters provides an international forum for Reviews, Research Letters and Research Articles that merit urgent publication.
Beata G. Vertessy

Professor, Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Maayan pour

Postdoctoral fellow, New York University

Postdoctoral fellow at NYU, former PhD student at Tel Aviv University, 17th Young Scientists' Forum Organizing Committee chair
'FEBS Communications' posts general items from the FEBS Network Team as well as news on FEBS events and other activities.
Keith Elliott

Member, FEBS Education Committee

I spent 40 years teaching and researching, and developed a particular interest in education and career development. I chaired the Education Committee and was Careers advisor for the UK Biochemical Society. In these roles, and my work with students at the University of Manchester, I realised how important it is for young scientists to recognise their skills and be able to "sell" themselves to potential employers (and grant awarding bodies). I now run CV support sessions for young scientists on behalf of the FEBS Education Committee, of which I was a founder member.
Andreas Hartig

Prof. of Biochemistry, retired, University of Vienna

Organelle biogenesis, peroxisomes, yeast
Zuzana Biscakova

PhD student, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice

Valerija Vezočnik

Ph.D. student, Biotechnical Faculty, Faculty of Medicine / University of Ljubljana

Stephen K Dolan

Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Cambridge

Sonia Rebollo-Ramirez

PhD student, Imperial College London

Roman Romanov

Ph.D. Student, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Robert Adamu Shey

PhD Student, Universite Libre de Bruxelles

Przemyslaw Zakrzewski

PhD student, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun

Olga Troitskaya

PhD student , ICBFM SB RAS

Nóra Igaz

Phd student, University of Szeged

Mihaela-Olivia Dobrica

PhD student, Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian Academy