Welcome to YSF 2022 and…to Portugal!

Dear Colleagues,
We warmly invite you to participate in the 2022 IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Young Scientists’ Forum (YSF 2022), which will be held just ahead of – and in conjunction with – the joint 25th IUBMB, 46th FEBS and 15th PABMB Congress. The exciting YSF 2022 will take place at Vimeiro, located on the Portuguese coast alongside a peaceful beach with a fantastic view of the endless Atlantic Ocean.
The YSF 2022 meeting will bring together around 120 selected young researchers in biochemistry and molecular biology, who will be supported to attend by grants from FEBS, IUBMB and PABMB. The participants will be able to present and discuss their research and benefit from other activities at the YSF, before moving on to also experience the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB Congress in Lisbon.
The scientific programme and the social events of the YSF 2022 will allow you to develop your scientific knowledge and skills and provide a rewarding personal experience, including sharing ideas with fellow participants and broadening your professional network.
We hope you will join us and enjoy the experience in Vimeiro. We are looking forward to sharing our warm weather with you!
Ana Salomé Veiga and Marco Domingues (Co-Chairs of the YSF 2022)
YSF2022 Organizing Committee: Ana Salomé Veiga, Marco Domingues, Bárbara Rocha, Diana Lousa, Fábio Fernandes, Rita Aroeira; Chair of the IUBMB Committee for Congresses and Focused Meetings: Ilona Concha Grabinger; Chair of the FEBS Working Group on the Careers of Young Scientists: Irene Díaz-Moreno; President of PABMB: Bianca Zingales.
Our colleagues’ vision of the YSF experience (from participants of equivalent IUBMB and FEBS meetings for young scientists, known as the YSP and YSF respectively):
“I believe the Young Scientist Program was an excellent opportunity to grow and refine my skills as a scientist. A small gathering of culturally diverse scientists favoured collectivism and promoted understanding throughout the program. This was a significant aspect, we remained a close-knitted community during the main conference after the program. All attendees formally presented a talk and poster, showcasing their individual uniqueness and experiences. The insights, ideas, and advice I gained from conversations had a huge positive impact in shaping my way of thinking about research. There are still valuable lessons from this program that I practice today.” Dr Ngee Kiat (Jake) Chua University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia
"Joining the Young Scientists' Forum in 2018 was a great experience, that I would highly recommend to any young scientist! Why? First because I had a great time: the lectures, talks, and activities were great. But perhaps more importantly I got to meet a group of friends that I can now connect with as I progress in my professional career. Also having friends at the main FEBS Congress made the event infinitely more enjoyable.” Dr Ajasja Ljubetic National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia
“I have been fortunate enough to attend two YSPs, one in Bangkok as a travel fellowship awardee (2012) and one in Seoul as a Young Scientist Award recipient (2018). We had plenty of opportunities to present our work and the friendly environment fostered networking, the exchange of scientific ideas and future collaborations. Presentations from established scientific leaders inspired us to pursue our research goals with determination and have helped shape my career as a Laboratory Head at the La Trobe Institute for Molecular Science in Australia.” Dr Tatiana Soares da Costa, La Trobe University, Victoria, Australia
“The FEBS YSF 2019 in Krakow was a great opportunity to meet young scientists from all over the world. The number of participants is adequate since it enables all participants to know each other, and learn from different experiences and interests. In addition, the small courses within the YSF are important to raise our young career to the next level, owing to the advice of experts in career development and other areas. The social program was also something incredible to fraternize with our colleagues and speakers in a more relaxed environment.” Dr Marco Cavaco, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal
Apply and meet great people at the YSF 2022
The event is for PhD students and postdoctoral scientists within five years of having completed a PhD thesis, who submit a single abstract to the YSF 2022 and the IUBMB–FEBS–PABMB 2022 Congress as first author. Both events should be attended.
There are also certain membership or other requirements from IUBMB, FEBS or PABMB: the grant-awarding organization relevant to your application will depend on the country where you reside. For the full eligibility criteria and details of how to apply, please check the Congress website. The application deadline is 15th December 2021.
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