The FEBS Young Scientists' Forum

The FEBS Young Scientists' Forum

<p>As the FEBS YSF approaches its 20th anniversary, here's a new space for YSF-related content!&nbsp;</p>

About this room

This 'open room' on the FEBS Network will gather general posts related to the FEBS Young Scientists' Forum (YSF), a meeting for postdocs and PhD students in the biomolecular sciences from the FEBS area that takes place just before the FEBS Congress. The room is accessible to all interested in the YSF – from 'YSF alumni' to prospective YSF applicants to other interested scientists.

The room is currently overseen by the 2018 and 2019 YSF Chairs – Vlastimil Kulda and Anna Jagusiak, respectively.  If you are interested in posting material to this room, they will be pleased to hear from you: please contact [email protected]

To stay up to date with new content in this room you can sign up for an email digest from the FEBS Network (at a frequency of your choosing) that includes activity in this room.

Participants of recent YSFs or the upcoming YSF can also access their own separate year-specific private YSF room for content and connections around their particular event: