The FEBS Journal Focus Issue on Enzymology

The FEBS Journal Focus Issue on Enzymology

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The field of enzymology has witnessed landmark developments that have led to its improved understanding at the molecular level, and to the discovery of complex relationships between enzyme structures, catalytic mechanisms and biological function. How enzymes are regulated at the gene and post-translational levels, and how catalytic activity is controlled are topical areas of study.

In this Focus Issue on Enzymology, The FEBS Journal highlights breaking science and informative reviews, as well as personal reflections, to illustrate the breadth and importance of contemporary molecular enzymology research. 

We encourage you to read the Editorial featured herein, where Nigel Scrutton expertly introduces the issue and gives a comprehensive overview of its content.

Many thanks to all the authors who contributed to this exciting article collection!

On the Cover: Evolution of novel biological functions in serine pseudoproteases, as described in a Review by Igor Križaj and co-authors that is featured in this Focus Issue (pages 2263–2278).

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