The Day of Biomolecular Sciences

The Day of Biomolecular Sciences is a biennial event organized by the Slovenian Biochemical Society (SBD). Since its inception in 2012, this year marks the 7th meeting. This year, we are also celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies (FEBS).
The event gathers secondary school students (ages 17-18), teachers, undergraduate students, PhD students, and researchers. We keep the event free to attract younger participants.
The program consists of five sessions and a round table discussion. Researchers at all levels have the opportunity to present their work on various topics. The round table discussion focuses on current biochemical issues. In 2020, the discussion was on COVID-19 diagnostics and research. In 2022, the topic was biochemical and biological weapons. For 2024, we will focus on future foods.
To successfully organize the event, it is crucial to reach out to secondary school students and teachers. Since the event always takes place on the last Thursday in September and summer holidays start in June and last until September 1st, we begin preparations in April and May. Schools also need to plan for students to miss a day of classes.
All speakers, regardless of their career stage, are instructed to adjust the complexity of their talks to suit the youngest attendees—students familiar with biology, chemistry, and physics.
Two coffee breaks and a lunch break, offer excellent networking opportunities. These breaks help connect secondary school teachers with our national research community, fostering early research engagement among our future scientists. Before becoming scientists, these students need to enroll in relevant studies, which are promoted through the presented research topics.
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