The Hungarian Biochemical Society (MBKE) representing the disciplines of biochemistry and molecular biology, and the Hungarian Genetics Society (MAGE) acting for genetics, cell- and developmental biology, organize their fourth joint conference, entitled
„Hungarian Molecular Life Sciences 2021”,
in Eger, Hungary, between November 5-7, 2021. Scientists from institutions of higher education and research institutes of Hungary, as well as of its neighboring countries, are anticipated to attend the meeting. The goal of the conference is to establish a common forum for colleagues working in the fields of biochemistry, cell and structural biology, developmental biology, classic and molecular genetics, molecular biology of human diseases, systems biology, synthetic biology, genomics and bioinformatics. We aim to organize a conference with a creative and friendly atmosphere, where former acquaintances are renewed and new collaborative partnerships are formed. The official language of the conference is English. We are hopeful that by that time, the COVID-19 pandemic will not prevent us from meeting in person, otherwise we are fully set for an online format.

The meeting will be held in the conference center of Hotel Eger-Park in Eger. It has been selected so that the lecture halls, the poster exhibition area and that of the company exhibitors are hosted in one building, together with the restaurants and social rooms, providing ample possibilities for professional discussions and recreational activities alike. Eger is a well-known touristic attraction of Hungary, famous for its wines, thermal water and historical monuments.

Beside the announced main themes, participants may submit papers or posters on any topic from the fields of biochemistry, cell biology and genetics. Deadline for abstract submission: 15 September 2021
All participants wishing to attend the conference should register online at, preferably before 15 September 2021.
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