Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Biochemical Society 2022

The Hungarian Biochemical Society (MBKE) representing the disciplines of biochemistry and molecular biology, organizes
„the Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Biochemical Society 2022”,
in Pécs, Hungary, between August 25-27, 2022. Scientists from institutions of higher education and research institutes of Hungary, as well as of its neighboring countries, are anticipated to attend the meeting. The conference will be a vivid and open forum for communication and exchange of latest ideas in a broad range of fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. The official language of the conference is English.
The conference will be hosted by the Medical School of the University of Pécs, within walking distance to the historical city center, facilities for lodging, restaurants and further places of public interest. Pécs is a well-known touristic attraction of Hungary, a UNESCO world heritage site, famous for its wines, museums and historical monuments.
Beside the announced main themes, participants may submit papers or posters on any topic from the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. Deadline for abstract submission: 31 May 2022
Main topics:
- Lipids and membranes – components, structure and function
- Genome organization, maintenance, functional genomics
- Bioinformatics, synthetic biology, genome engineering, biotechnology
- Molecular signaling, cell-cell communication, cell death and differentiation
- Molecular basis of disease and therapy, stem cells, immunity and inflammation
- Regulation of gene expression, regulatory RNA, epigenetics
- Protein structure, function and modeling
- Translational medicine
Further details on the Congress will be posted and updated regularly on
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