Talks, posters and discussion on biosciences teaching and training at the upcoming 2019 FEBS Congress

The 44th FEBS Congress, to be held in Krakow, Poland, 6–11 July 2019, is fast approaching. Here's a summary of program items of particular interest to educators:
FEBS/IUBMB Special Sessions on Education
Two special sessions co-organized by the FEBS and IUBMB Education Committees at this year’s Congress will look at some of the latest teaching and training strategies relevant to the biosciences from undergraduate to postdoctoral levels, including active engagement approaches and use of learning technologies.
Session 1 – Creative teaching: Effective learning in life sciences education
Monday July 8; 16:15–18:15. Chairs: Luciane Vieira de Mello, UK; Laszlo Dux, Hungary
How do we go about fostering effective learning in our students through the use of creative teaching methods? How do we bring together student-centred approach, active learning and ideal doses of creative activity? This session will explore the nature and value of creative teaching and propose a number of strategies that life sciences educators should consider if they hope to graduate the future scientists of 21st century society.
• Enhancing your classroom teaching by integration of open online courses, Peter de Jong, Netherlands
• Student-activating methods of teaching in life sciences, Michal Nowakowski, Poland
• Undergraduate teaching laboratories – the transformative impact of learning technologies, Bill Heslop, UK
• Panel discussion and Q&A
Session 2 – Future education now!
Tuesday July 9; 16:15–18:15; Chairs: Gul Guner Akdogan, Turkey; Jean-Luc Souciet, France
Internationally recognized educational innovators Eric Mazur and Joan J. Guinovart will be the speakers of this session. Now is the time for FEBS educators to listen to their motivational talks and be inspired.
• Innovating education to educate innovators, Eric Mazur, USA
• Revamping postdoctoral training and education, Joan J. Guinovart, Spain
Note also that posters on a range of topics in 'Education, Training, and Career Planning in Molecular Life Sciences' are invited for presentation and discussion at the Congress: select the education category when submitting a late-breaking abstract before May 26, 2019. The education poster session is on Monday July 8. One education poster will be selected for an Education Poster Award of free registration for the 2020 FEBS Congress!
FEBS Special Session on Research and Career Skills
Lastly, one topic in the Research and Careers Skills session at the Congress on Wednesday July 10 is preparation of an engaging undergraduate lecture – see the Special Sessions webpage for more information.
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