The 2023 FEBS Congress – a look back by video
One of the highlights of 2023 for FEBS was the 47th FEBS Congress ('Together in bioscience for a better future’), which provided a few great days of inspiration, learning, updates and connections across the molecular life sciences for the around 1100 participants from 65 countries. It was hosted in the attractive setting of Tours, France, 8–12 July 2023, by the French Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SFBBM). Enjoy a flavour of the event via this video!
You can also find a summary of the 47th FEBS Congress on pages 4–7 of the December 2023 FEBS News magazine issue, available on the FEBS website here.
We are now very much looking forward to the next FEBS Congress, which will be held in Milano, Italy, 29 June – 3 July 2024, and we hope to see you there! Find out more on the 2024 FEBS Congress website and note the key upcoming deadline of 8 March 2024:
This video was produced by MCI-France, the Congress Secretariat for the 47th FEBS Congress.
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