Rob Johnson

Managing Director, Research Consulting

Research Interest

Infectious Disease Other

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UK (Biochemical Society)

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Journal publishing Science industry Scientific administration Scientific communication Scientific entrepreneurship Scientific policy

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Recent Comments

Sep 03, 2024
Replying to Gavin McStay

Very interesting Rob. I direct Biomed News (hhtps:// which is a machine learning based platform to discover new biomedical research literature. It is made of up of Reports curated by an Editor on a particular topic. These are released weekly and almost act as a personal journal for each report editor. This is freely shareable to anyone who wants to subscribe. 

Hi Gavin, thanks for sharing this, it's really interesting to see. Can you share a little more information on how these reports are assembled? I'm interested to understand how you are using machine learning in combination with editorial curation, and specifically what you feel is the optimal balance between the two.