biochemistry, molecular biology, bioinformatics, molecular visualisation, technology for teaching and learning
Nanotechnology, drug delivery systems, biosensors, chromatography, advanced materials characterization
Aylin Sepici Dincel
Prof, Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Biochemistry
Molecular Oncology is an Open Access international journal that highlights new discoveries, approaches, as well as technical developments, in basic, clinical and discovery-driven translational cancer research.
The FEBS Journal is an international journal devoted to the rapid publication of full-length papers covering a wide range of topics in any area of the molecular life sciences.
Biochemistry-Medical Biochemistry
I spent 40 years teaching and researching, and developed a particular interest in education and career development. I chaired the Education Committee and was Careers advisor for the UK Biochemical Society. In these roles, and my work with students at the University of Manchester, I realised how important it is for young scientists to recognise their skills and be able to "sell" themselves to potential employers (and grant awarding bodies). I now run CV support sessions for young scientists on behalf of the FEBS Education Committee, of which I was a founder member.
Ex-academia, now in MedComms. I write a blog called Total Internal Reflection about the human side of science. Postings are generally either opinion/commentary (either serious or silly) or "How To" pieces aimed at improving young scientists' soft skills.
A longer biography and manifesto are on the blog here.