What shapes young people's STEM trajectories?

A Biochemical Society webinar on "Supporting Equitable and Inclusive Participation in STEM: Insights from the ASPIRES research". Part of the FEBS 60th Anniversary Constituent Society outreach events, the webinar will explore the factors shaping young people's involvement in STEM. On 24 October 2024.
What shapes young people's STEM trajectories?

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This webinar from the Biochemical Society will explore insights from the ASPIRES project, a major longitudinal study of the factors shaping young people's STEM trajectories from age 10–22. Through surveys with over 48,000 young people and over 740 interviews with young people and their parents/carers, the ASPIRES findings shed light on the reasons why uneven patterns in STEM participation remain so resistant to change.

The webinar will be chaired by Dr Gavin McStay, from Liverpool John Moores University, UK, and the invited speaker will be Professor Louise Archer, from University College London, UK. It will be on 24 October 2024, at 14:00 British Summer Time. Register now for free!

This webinar is part of the FEBS 60th Anniversary activities, as a Constituent Society outreach event.

Image by the Biochemical Society.

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Go to the profile of Gavin McStay
4 months ago

I look forward to chairing this and seeing people online tomorrow. 

Go to the profile of Gavin McStay
3 months ago

Here is the link to the webinar recording for those of you that missed it. 

Link to recording