The FEBS Young Scientists' Forum in Pavia, June 2024: an introduction

You can apply now for a funded place at the 2024 FEBS Young Scientists' Forum (and FEBS Congress) in Italy!
The FEBS Young Scientists' Forum in Pavia, June 2024: an introduction

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Despite the international tensions and the bad news coming from the media we must pursue Beauty, and Science is one of the many reflections of Beauty. It is even brighter when it includes young scientists, and FEBS will promote those working in the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology by organizing the next edition of the renowned FEBS Young Scientists' Forum (YSF) for 2024.

Therefore, we warmly invite you to participate. The YSF 2024 is well described by the slogan in the logo: “Biochemistry for bridging the gap”. Science bridges the gap with the unknown and, in particular, biochemistry is ‘transversal’ by definition as it focuses on molecular traits shedding light on mechanistic details of interest to many disciplines. In this context, the mission of YSF is also to bring scientists together from many different fields and countries.  

The YSF 2024 will be held from June 26th to 29th, 2024, at the University of Pavia – one of the oldest Italian universities, situated in a beautiful medieval town on the Ticino River in the north of Italy. It will be held just before and in conjunction with the 48th FEBS Congress in Milano, which YSF participants will experience as well. 

The YSF 2024 will host about 100 selected PhD and young postdoc researchers in biochemistry and molecular biology. Their registration and accommodation expenses, as well as most of the travel costs for both the YSF and FEBS Congress, will be covered by YSF grants from FEBS.

The YSF 2024 aims to provide a unique forum for young scientists to present their work, discuss new methods and cutting-edge technologies, be challenged by emerging debates (such as those to reduce our impact on Earth) and build a fruitful network with peers around Europe. Experienced mentors and trainee moderators will facilitate active participation in scientific discussion to allow all attendees to be engaged as participants rather than spectators.

The scientific focus of the invited speaker program will be sustainability and the importance of molecular details in cell function and physiology. Topics beyond research, such as career skills and scientific communication, will also be discussed. The scientific program over the following days will provide opportunities for all participants to present their research as oral presentations and/or posters, and we are also looking forward to fascinating talks from the keynote speakers (including David Jeruzalmi from the City University of New York, Ana J. Garcia-Saéz from the University of Cologne and Patricia Monteiro from the University of Porto). Moreover, a full session will be dedicated to the GREEN LAB WORKING initiative organized by the Junior section of FEBS.

More information, including how to apply, can be found in the YSF section of the 48th FEBS Congress website. We hope you will join us and enjoy the experience in Italy. We are looking forward to receiving your application!

YSF applications deadline: 7 December 2023

Top image of post: by Thomas Hartmann from Pixabay

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